Expressive Arts Therapy- A journey to Your Wellbeing

IWF runs art therapy sessions to help people’s journey towards recovery. Mrittika Kamal, Founder of Terracotta Creatives run sessions with patients with drug resistant tuberculosis in National Institute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital (NIDCH), Dhaka in May 2018. The majority of the participants were in physical pain and low in mood when they came to take part in the therapy session. It was found that none of them had any previous experience of holding a painting brush and using acrylic paint on canvas, but when they started painting they became completely absorbed in it.


Everyone can create healing for themselves. Unfortunately, most people have no idea how to access their natural Creative Intelligence inside of them. If you’re curious to know more of yourself and feel ready to begin within but aren’t sure how, please contact IWF for more information.